Saturday, March 16, 2013

March 15, 2013

Sins of the Saviors

Players present: Elora (Sally), Azalyn (Shelley), Bastian (Casey), Orden (Mike), Sirilenda (Melissa)

Glabrezu demon
Standing in the room of writing-covered walls, Elora listened carefully at the doors to the south of the room, attempting to hear any occupants beyond. Instead of hearing sounds beyond the south doors, Elora overheard whispers in a strange language from the fog-covered passage to the east. Azalyn donned her fog-cutting lenses, which she had taken from Mokmurian's corpse, to peer into the passage unhindered. She observed two figures, a man speaking hurried words to an enormous creature, pointing to the chamber where the heroes now stood.

Azalyn announced the her findings, which alerted her companions, but also tipped off the man and the creature. The man and the creature immediately advanced through the fog filled passage toward the heroes. The group braced for the conflict; those who could not see through the fog waited anxiously for the enemies to appear. They were not prepared though, for the appearance of a second creature in their midst, identical to the first. Now plainly visible, Orden easily identified the creature as a fearsome demon known as a glabrezu!

The ensuing battle tested the group like no fight before. Sirlienda wisely erected a wall of force to separate the glabrezus from the human Xaliasa. The human cleric of Lamashtu proved a difficult foe in his own right; slaying Sirilenda and teleporting away before the group could retaliate. Orden quickly revived the sorceress with  breath of life. One of the galbrezus teleported across the wall of force and killed Azalyn. Again, Orden saved his companion from the clutches of death. Bastian shared his smiting ability with the rest of the group, and the enemies fell before the holy power of Bastian's faith. 

The final glabrezu waited on the other side of the wall of force, his eyes boring into Bastian; the heroes glared back across the invisible barrier, waiting for the wall to drop. As soon as the effect ended, the heroes charged, and the glabrezu focused all of his might on the paladin. When the flurry of pincers and claws ended, Bastian lay on the ground, lifeless. The group rallied around his corpse and decimated the glabrezu, sending the evil creature back to the depths of the Abyss.

The group solemnly carried Bastian's body back to the surface. Orden cast raise dead and brought the fallen warrior back to the world of the living to continue his fight against the forces of evil!
The group then strategized about their return to the catacombs...

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