Sins of the Saviors
Players present: Elora (Sally), Azalyn (Shelley), Bastian (Casey), Sirilenda (Melissa), Orden (Mike), Vale (Dean)
The silence enveloped the heroes suddenly, giving them mere moments to react. Almost immediately following, the invisible bands of a forcecage surrounded them. Orden narrowly escaped being caught inside, but the spell ensnared the rest of the party. Those in the cage began attacking the bars, some to no effect. Orden, outside the cage and outside the silence, cast invisibility purge and revealed Azaven casting an acid fog spell at the trapped heroes. Slowly the acid began eating away at the trapped heroes as the fog obscured their attacker's location once more. The heroes scrambled to destroy the forcecage, or end the silence, while Azaven assaulted them with a color spray, sorely wounding Sirilenda, and shifting Elora to another plane of existence. Orden finally managed to dispel the silence, and then positioned himself to cast teleport as soon as his companions could reach through the bars of the forcecage. Azalyn rounded up her friends, including those killed by the relentless acid fog, and grasped Orden's outstretched hand. They teleported to the main chamber of the Halls of Sloth, and healed their wounds, and wondered where their dear friend Elora had strayed...
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