Friday, April 19, 2013

April 12th, 2013

Sins of the Saviors

Players present: Elora (Sally), Azalyn (Shelley), Bastian (Casey), Orden (Mike), Sirilenda (Melissa), Derani (Rachel), Kage (Arren)

The magic portal
As Orden turned the key through its second complete rotation, the pillar before him began to glow and hum. Suddenly the key vanished from his grip, but the pillar remained activated. Quickly the rest of the party divvied up the keys and placed them in the proper pillars. With each subsequent activated pillar, the hum increased in volume and pitch, while the glow from the pillars grew in intensity. 

The activation of the seventh and final outer pillar triggered the activation of the much larger central pillar. Immediately the humming ceased. Wind rushed in from the smaller surrounding tunnels and converged on the central pillar, which seemed to absorb the light from the other pillars. The mingled glow from the outer pillars coalesced into a swirling vortex of energy; a translucent portal opened in the center of the vortex.

Without hesitation Orden charged through the portal, followed quickly by Bastian and the rest of the party. The far side of the portal began with a long, wide, stone-walled hallway. This straight path continued into a large circular domed chamber with a central fountain and eight divergent paths leading away. Before each separate path stood a 20 foot tall stone statue, which the heroes decided must be the likenesses of the seven Runelords of Thassilon. The eight path, which lead back to the portal, had no statue.

The ancient Runelords of Thassilon each claimed rulership over a particular virtue of leadership (which they later corrupted into the seven mortal sins), and the heroes inspected the likenesses for clues about which particular sin each statue represented. They immediately recognized the face of Runelord Karzoug, master of greed, the same face that once taunted them from atop Mokmurian's dead body. They assigned their best guess to each remaining statue before deciding to follow the path behind Karzoug's statue.

The lengthy path ended abruptly with a large, gem studded door. Orden used find traps to detect the threat posed by the door, but remained powerless to disarm it. With a shrug, he reached out to push the door, Bastian behind him for support. The door pushed back violently, crushing Orden against the opposite wall. Bastian dived out of the way quickly, avoiding injury. In a moment the trap reset itself, ready for further attempts to open it. 

The golems did not last long
Elora searched the area near by for signs of an alternate entry, and discovered evidence of a hidden door, which opened easily and without crushing anyone. A shimmering green mist filled the hallway beyond, which Sirilenda dispelled. The group moved quickly through hallway, as the green mist filled the hallway behind them.

The hall ended in a large room built containing a whale-shaped ice sculpture fountain, around which four water mephitis cavorted. The little creatures eyed the party suspiciously, but Bastian managed to calm them and even got them to volunteer some advice about the chambers beyond. The information provided by the mephitis seemed suspect to the group, but the party moved on and let the tiny beasts continue their play.

In the following chambers, the heroes faced several stone golems, but the group easily dispatched them. After several empty rooms they discovered a closed door.
The metal skinned man

As they approached the door swung open to reveal a thin, bald man with skin like silver metal. He spoke with a booming monotone, and demanded the group explain themselves. When they attempted to recount the imminent revival of Runelord Karzoug, the metal man dismissed the idea as impossible. He then called them intruders and began to attack. 

Spells flew from both sides, with Orden's destruction severely damaging the metal skinned man. He countered with prismatic spray, which fatally poisoned Sirlienda and turned both her and Azalyn to stone. The damaged wizard quickly fled, using dimension door to escape. Bastian cast break enchantment to return Azalyn and Sirilenda from their petrified state; Sirilenda immediately recovered with help from Orden, but Azalyn remained as stone...

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