Sunday, May 26, 2013

May 10th, 2013

Sins of the Saviors

Players present: Elora (Sally), Azalyn (Shelley), Bastian (Casey), Sirilenda (Melissa), Vale (Dean), Kage (Arren), Derani (Rachel)

Orden's gambit of casting dismissal on himself proved fruitful. He instantly disappeared from the halls of Envy deep in Runeforge, and materialized back in the prime material plane, in the town of Sandpoint. Meanwhile, her companions retreated from the halls of of Envy to the central hub of Runeforge. There they discovered that the main portal bridging the distance to the prime material plane was open. Hesitantly the party entered the portal, found themselves back on the prime material plane, and then quickly reunited with Orden.
Tsuto Kaijitsu

During the following week, the group cast raise dead on their two fallen members, then discussed strategies for their next foray into Runeforge. They decided to return and confront Azaven, the lich residing in the halls of Gluttony. They felt he had mislead them in their quest to find runeforged weapons, and Bastian wanted to eliminate his evil from existence. So they returned to Rimeskull and performed the necessary rituals for opening the portal to Runeforge.

Lyrie Akenja
As they walked through the entry halls once more they noted that some of the collected treasure they had piled up along the hallway during their previous trip was missing. Warily they progressed into the central hub of the complex, where they found Azaven waiting for them with a pair of undead minions. As the group parleyed with the lich, another figure appeared from behind one of the seven stone statues that circled the chamber. Sirilenda recognized her immediately as Lyrie Akenja, her sister's murderer. By Lyrie's side floated an elaborately bandaged figure, who the party knew to be Tsuto Kaijitsu, Lyrie's former paramour, twice defeated by the party already, and now returned as a mummy!

Battle erupted quickly. Spells flew across the room, including a prismatic spray from Azaven, which petrified Bastian, but not before he used his aura of justice ability to grant he team the power to smite evil. Sirilenda too fell from the fight, but Elora managed to stabilize her before she died. As usual, Azalyn proved devastating with her greatsword, but Vale became a dervish of evil-smiting axes, finishing a powerful Devourer in one turn.

At the end of the battle the heroes remained, minus only Bastian, now composed of rock. Without Bastian's spells or the help of their enduring cleric, Orden, they had no means of returning him to flesh...

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