Saturday, May 25, 2013

May 3rd, 2013

Sins of the Saviors

Players present: Elora (Sally), Azalyn (Shelley), Bastian (Casey), Orden (Mike), Sirilenda (Melissa)

As Bastian looked into the large chamber beyond the hall of mirrors, six identical looking men began simultaneously casting spells. Elora stepped forward to support her companion, and both of them suffered a barrage of phantasmal killer spells. Bastian weathered them all, but Elora died instantly. The remaining heroes gathered the bodies of their fallen comrades and teleported back to the central hub of the complex, fleeing the halls of Pride.
Once they realized there would be no pursuit, the party contemplated their options. Searching for answers from the outer bounds of reality, Sirilenda scribbled several questions on parchment using her revelation quill. The minor artifact acted as a conduit to the Peacock Spirit in the outer planes, a being known for its capriciousness. She knew that the spirit would answer some of her questions with lies, but proceeded to query the being anyway.
Through the ten allotted questions they deduced that the only way to leave Runeforge (in order to resurrect their fallen companions) was through the Envy wing. They learned that a single creature resided in this wing, which, according to the quill, they could "probably" defeat. Without other options apparent, the party headed toward the halls of Envy.
They arrived at twisting maze of tunnels covered in slime and ooze. Slime-slicked walkways followed alongside sludge-filled canals, occasionally spanned by rusted iron walkways. Sirilenda cast fly on the party to avoid contact with the unidentifiable slime, allowing them to quickly navigate the winding tunnels.
A Chernobue
They entered a slightly larger chamber, where suddenly a pair of Chernobue Qlippoths sprang at them. The tentacled creatures exuded an unnatural aura and attacked with alien powers. Once the fight ended, the heroes reconsidered the advice given by the revelation quill in light of the fact that two enemies had appeared where there was supposed to be just one.
They soon questioned all of the results provided by the quill. Perhaps there were other ways to leave Runeforge aside from the halls of Envy? Orden contemplated using dismissal on himself, since technically he was not on his home plane. Before his companions could object he carried out his idea, heedless of the small chance that he could end up in a plane different than his home plane. His companions, surprised, could only watch him vanish...

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